Saturday, 17 October 2015

日清出前一丁泰式酸辣炒面,即食麵, 方便面 (Nissin Tom Yam Mee Goreng Flavour)

若是喜欢吃炒面的人现可有口福了! 前些日子我在超市有看到在卖新加坡制造的日清出前一丁泰式酸辣炒面 (Nissin Tom Yam Mee Goreng Flavour) 五包装共马币8.90.  二话不说立刻买下带回家去品尝.


刚煮好的面上桌时会带有一股微微的Tom Yam香味, 吃进口时会带有些辣味不过不会像包装上所说的特辣! 只是普通辣吧了!
口感一流: 感觉上每一口都带有它独特的Tom Yam风味, 吃了很开胃, 喜欢!

以上这编短文纯粹是分享文, 没有任何广告意图.

日清出前一丁黑蒜油豬骨湯味即食麵, 方便面

在去年七月初有到台北101 Jasons Market Place 里闲逛时有看到自己喜欢吃的日清出前一丁即食麵戓方便面在那里售卖, 很是高兴. 哈哈! 我自己也不知自己从几时开时爱上吃日清出前一丁的即食. J

当下买了一些在我们本地买不到的口味回去品嚐. 我在那里买了香港制造日清出前一丁的黑蒜油豬骨汤味五包装共台幣NT$115, 虽然此口味在其他市场已售买多时但我还是第一次买到.


煮好了的面果真是带有很香扑鼻的蒜味, 但是它的汤底猪骨汤味感觉就一般可能是黑蒜油盖掉了它的味道. (注: 黑蒜油是要面煮好了以后才放进去,就会有很香扑鼻的蒜味)

总体来说,我喜欢这个口味,口感一流吃了回味无穷. 不知各位又感觉如何呢?

以上这编短文纯粹是分享文, 没有任何广告意图.

Personal Finance: Free IBFT service from Oct till 31 Dec 2015

Good news! With effect from 1st October until 31st December, 2015 for those using Internet and Mobile Phone to make online payments, the Malaysian Electronic Payment System Sdn Bhd (MEPS) and it's member participating banks have waived the transfer fee for Inter-Bank Fund Transfer (IBFT). (Prior to that certain banks charged RM2.50 per transaction for IBFT service) The move is to encourage more people to pay online and less use cheques.
However, if you use IBFT service via the Automated Teller Machines (ATM) you still require to pay the transfer fee which at present is RM0.50.
In case you don't know what is IBFT? The IBFT allows instant or immediate fund transfer between MEPS' member banks.
Therefore, wait no more! start to use the IBFT service today ! This is also another way of helping you to save unnecessary  bank charges.
Hope you find the above info useful and thank you for reading my blog. :)